My Church: thoughts on why it's dying
As with many a first or second Saturday of Advent I've spent a fair portion of my day at Church. Today the choir sang, solos and duets were heard and a play performed. As many watched, ate and gave money for missionaries. It is the tradition at my church and has been done for longer than I have been alive. Why on a day like today the Sanctuary is full but on a regular Sunday our church can barely boast 60 people in the congregation. For years we have been told we are a dying church and x, y, or z, are the reason. I've been told the reason we aren't drawing people is because churches no longer have: Sunday school, women's ministries, choir, sanctuaries (they are now called auditorium). And that to have them or not have them is a sign to Millennials to stay away. I have always wanted to laugh in the face of people who give me such answers. I typically muster an, "are you serious?" or "really?". And the more years go by the more a chuckle at their use...